White Bouquet Inspiration

White Bouquet Inspiration


With snow just about everywhere and spring right around the corner, we're thinking about the beauty of white bouquets today!

White bouquets can be a totally gorgeous option for brides and attendants. Mix white blooms with greenery or other lightly-colored blooms to ensure the bouquet stands out from your gown and photographs well.

Go green with blooms from local farmers and growers in your area or near your wedding venue. Adding a vintage brooch borrowed from your mom, grandmother or mother-in-law to be can also add color and character to your bouquet.

Photo Credits

Top Row (from the left): Polka Dot Bride, Inspired by This, Snippet and Ink

Bottom Row (from the left): HeartLoveWeddings, Snippet and Ink, Elegance and Simplicity, I Loves W Mag

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