Idées de mariage - 50s #3

wedding photo - Style Wedding 50S

Style Wedding 50S

Red robe de mariée vintage. Photo de Rosie Parsons / blog

wedding photo - Mariage 50s Rétro

Mariage 50s Rétro

I decorated this while working for a local bakey. Copied from a picture in a magazine that the bride brought in. retro 50s #rétro #50s

wedding photo - Style Wedding 50S

Style Wedding 50S

Un cabriolet 1959 Cadillac décorée avec des fans d'accordéon de papier.

wedding photo - Mariage 50s Rétro

Mariage 50s Rétro

Cherries dipped in white chocolate and edible silver sugar pearls! retro 50s #rétro #50s