Mariage - HowHeAsked


Weddbook ♥ "When Luis and I met, I was actually on a date with one of his good friends (oops!). We spoke a little but it was only small talk. A few weeks later, after things had fizzled out with said friend of his, I was swiping my merry way through #Tinder and there Luis was! I swiped right (obviously) and I got a message from him almost immediately. "This is the greatest day of my life!" he said, and I replied something similar. We talked briefly, but things got busy for us both and our conversation fizzled. We both deleted our Tinders for a time, but as soon as I got back on a few months later, we matched again instantly! I messaged him and said "Can the second time be the charm, or are we going to have to do this again?" And he replied "I'll delete my Tinder, get it back, and swipe until I find you again if that's what it takes!" He then asked me for my number and the rest was history..." (POINT BEING - NEVER QUIT SWIPING PEOPLE

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